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Hairball Chews Cats

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87,00 lei
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125,00 lei
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Digestive Comfort and Health

Help your cat get rid of the discomfort caused by hairballs with our specially formulated chewable supplement. Created from natural ingredients, this supplement supports the efficient elimination of hairballs from the digestive tract, preventing blockages and improving digestive health. Ideal for cats of all ages, our supplement helps reduce the formation of hairballs and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Give your cat the comfort and well-being it deserves, for a happy and carefree life.

Formulated with the best ingredients, scientifically validated for maximum effectiveness

Carefully chosen by animal care specialists to keep your furry friends happy and healthy

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O singură gustare, beneficii multiple!

💡 De ce este important sa previi bilele de par?

Pisicile petrec o mare parte din timp ingrijindu-si blana, iar acest obicei natural duce la ingerarea unei cantitati semnificative de par. In mod normal, o parte din acest par este eliminata prin tranzitul intestinal, insa atunci cand se acumuleaza in stomac, poate forma bile de par care provoaca disconfort, varsaturi si chiar blocaje intestinale.

Suplimentul nostru masticabil ajuta la prevenirea si eliminarea naturala a bilelor de par printr-o combinatie de fibre, uleiuri esentiale si ingrediente care stimuleaza digestia sanatoasa. Prin administrarea regulata, reduci riscul episoadelor de voma cauzate de bilele de par si asiguri un tranzit intestinal optim pentru pisica ta.

🦷 Sanatatea dentara conteaza!

Problemele dentare sunt extrem de comune la pisici, iar multi stapani nu isi dau seama cat de importanta este ingrijirea dintilor. Tartrul si placa bacteriana se acumuleaza in timp, ceea ce poate duce la inflamatii, gingivita si chiar pierderea dintilor. In plus, bacteriile din cavitatea bucala pot afecta sanatatea generala a pisicii, inclusiv sistemul cardiovascular si renal.

Hairball Chews ajuta la mentinerea sanatatii orale prin textura sa special conceputa, care actioneaza ca o periuta de dinti naturala. Prin mestecare, pisica indeparteaza placa bacteriana, reduce acumularea de tartru si isi improspateaza respiratia – totul intr-un mod placut si fara stres.

  • minimizes the formation of hairballs
  • promotes the elimination of hairballs
  • skin health support
  • proper digestion support

we are very serious when it comes to quality

That's why we have experts in the field who guide us in the innovation of our products.

  • Natural ingredients

  • batch tested

  • No artificial colors

  • No GMOs, Hormones or Antibiotics

  • GMP certificate

  • in accordance with EC rules

Administration Guide

Tablets/day XS
Kg UP TO 4.5 KG OVER 4.5 KG
Tablets/day 1 2

frequent questions

What are hairballs?

Hairballs, also known as fur balls or trichobezoa, are compact masses of hair that form in the cat's stomach or intestine as a result of excessive hair ingestion during grooming. Cats are extremely clean animals and spend a lot of time licking their fur to keep it clean and in good condition. During this process, they can swallow significant amounts of hair, especially if they have long fur or if they groom obsessively.

The hairballs can vary in size and consistency. Some may be small and soft, and others may be larger and compact. They can be eliminated by vomiting, defecation or they can remain blocked in the cat's digestive tract, causing discomfort and other health problems.

What are some aspects about hairballs?

Symptoms: Cats with hairballs may show symptoms such as: frequent vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, lack of appetite, lethargy, abdominal bloating or body twisting behavior during defecation.

Risk factors: Cats with long fur are more prone to develop clumps of fur, because they have more hair that can be ingested during toileting. Also, cats that struggle to manage stress or have medical issues that cause them to groom their fur excessively may be more susceptible to hairballs.

Complications: In some cases, the hairballs can get stuck in the the cat's digestive tract, which can lead to serious complications such as intestinal obstruction, peritonitis or intestinal perforation. These complications require emergency veterinary intervention.

Prevention and treatment: In order to prevent the formation of hairballs, it is important to brush and care for the cat's fur regularly, to offer it a balanced diet and anti-ballot supplements or other remedies for the management of swallowed hair.

Don't worry, hairballs are a common problem in cats, which can be managed with care and appropriate intervention. If you notice symptoms of furballs in your cat, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

What does the monitoring of the formation of hairballs entail?

1. There is specific food for managing hairballs

Some cat food brands offer special formulas that are designed to help prevent and manage hairballs. These diets may contain special ingredients, such as soluble or insoluble fibers, which help to eliminate ingrown hairs and maintain the health of the digestive tract.

2. Regular brushing and grooming

Regular brushing and grooming of the cat's fur is essential to prevent the formation of furballs. Brushing removes dead hair and prevents its accumulation in the cat's stomach. It is recommended to brush your cat daily or at regular intervals, especially cats with long fur or cats that groom excessively.

3. Use of anti-hairballs supplements

Anti-hairballs supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, chewing gum and pastes, and may contain ingredients such as soluble fibers, natural oils or digestive enzymes that help eliminate and manage hairballs. These supplements can be administered as a preventive measure or as a treatment when the cat shows symptoms of hairballs.

4. Monitoring the symptoms

It is important to pay attention to any change in the cat's behavior or health that could indicate the presence of hairballs or of other digestive problems. If you notice frequent vomiting, constipation, diarrhea or other unusual symptoms, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.

By taking preventive measures and offering food supplements, you can help your cat to have proper digestive health and prevent problems associated with furballs.

Why does your cat need supplements to help eliminate hairballs?

Anti-hairball supplements for cats are used to prevent and treat hairballs that form in the digestive tract of cats. These clumps of hair are a common problem in cats, especially those with long hair or those that groom themselves excessively. When cats lick to groom their fur, they can ingest the hair, which can form hairballs in the stomach or intestines, causing discomfort and sometimes health problems.

Anti-hairball supplements for cats are used to prevent and treat hairballs that it is formed in the digestive tract of cats. These clumps of hair, or clumps of hair, are a common problem in cats, especially those with long hair or those that groom themselves excessively. When cats lick to groom their fur, they can ingest the hair, which can form lumps in the stomach or intestines, causing discomfort and sometimes health problems.

How long does it take to see the results?

Usually, cat owners notice improvements within a few weeks of daily use. However, the results may vary depending on the severity of the problems and the individual response of each cat.

Can it be used with other supplements or medications?

Absolute. As long as you follow the guide and dosage, Suplipet Hairball Removal Supplement should not interfere with other supplements or medications.

How does it work?

Each chewable tablet contains an optimal blend of probiotic strains selected to support your cat's digestive and immune health. These beneficial bacteria help break down food, absorb nutrients and protect against harmful bacteria.

How is it administered?

Our tasty treats can be offered to your cat at any time of the day, although we recommend offering them at mealtime, as they help increase nutrient absorption.

How old should my cat be?

Nutrient rewards for eliminating hairballs are recommended for cats over 6 months of age.

How is it stored?

To make sure your cat gets the best, our hairball treats are free of artificial preservatives. Please store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Use them within 3 months of opening.

Could my cat be suffering from an overdose?

If your pet devours an entire tub of Suplipet Hairball Removal, it will be absolutely fine, as long as the box was designed for its weight category. Adverse effects may include diarrhea or gastrointestinal disturbances. If he ate more than one box, contact your veterinarian for guidance.

  • Formula created by veterinarians

  • Delivery in 24 hours

  • Quality certificates

  • Return in 15 days

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Andreea M

De când folosesc Hairball Chews, pisica mea are mai puține probleme cu ghemotoacele de păr. Înainte vomita destul de des, dar acum se simte mult mai bine. Îi place gustul, așa că le mănâncă fără probleme. Sunt mulțumită de rezultat și voi continua să i le dau.